28. February 2022 · Comments Off on Working on Infinite Gratitude · Categories: Uncategorized

I’m finding that if one sets their mind to it, you can take a simple amount of gratitude and extend it into infinity.

For example, let us look at a standard method of daily transportation that is often taken for granted; the car. The example below uses the car, but this exercise can be used for other transportation methods such as a bus, train, boat, plane, etc.

We can self-reflect using the sample template below:

Getting into the car and starting it, we can thank the makers of the car.

Pulling out of the parking space, we can thank the people that taught and trained the makers of the car.

Proceeding down the road, we can thank the suppliers who provided the supplies for the car.

Why not also express thankfulness for those that made the car available for purchase?

Hearing everything running smoothly we can give thanks for the mechanics that keep the car running.

Let’s not forget to thank those that made the resources available to keep the car going.

Turning on the radio to listen to music, we can be thankful for those that made this function available in the car.

Now we will be taking the gratitude further than the car.

We can thank the musicians playing the music that we hear coming from the car’s radio.

Then we can thank those that trained and taught the musicians.

Then we can thank those that invented the instruments the musicians play.

Then we can thank those that made and supplied the instruments.

Keep going with this thought process and see how much gratitude you can show.

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