21. February 2020 · Comments Off on The 10Cs of Leadership · Categories: Uncategorized

In December 2019 I took a look at Lee Iacocca’s leadership style and learned about his 9 Cs of leadership (from pages 6 to 10 in his book Where Have All the Leaders Gone? ). The Cs are traits or actions Iacocca thought a leader must have or be able to perform.

  1. Curiosity
  2. Creative
  3. Communicate
  4. Character
  5. Courage
  6. Conviction
  7. Charisma
  8. Competent
  9. Common Sense

In January 2020 I took a look at General Mattis and his 3Cs of leadership from his book Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead, pages 11 to 12. These were traits Mattis thought a leader must have:

  1. Competence
  2. Caring
  3. Conviction

Iacocca and Mattis both share Competence and Conviction as key leadership traits.

Caring is a leadership trait Mattis had, that could be added to the 9Cs of leadership Iacocca had.

So how about the 10 Cs of leadership? Combining the two lists we get the following:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Creative
  3. Communicate
  4. Character
  5. Courage
  6. Conviction
  7. Charisma
  8. Competent
  9. Common Sense
  10. Caring