14. August 2017 · Comments Off on Soar Like an Eagle; Don’t Quack Like a Duck · Categories: Uncategorized

Was just reading the One Minute Entrepreneur and came across a reference to Wayne Dyer’s philosophy on eagles and ducks.

Ducks tend to get all caught up and rules and regulations creating a lot of mess which prevents them from thinking entrepreneurially to better serve their customer base.

Eagles soar to go above and beyond to serve their customers. They are flexible and malleable in their thinking.

However, organizational leaders need to allow their people to soar like eagles to deliver superior customer service.

As stated in the One Minute Entrepreneur (page 90), “If we want our people to soar like eagles and take care of our customers, we have to create an environment where they can win-where they know that we’re on their side-so they will be empowered to act like they own the place.”

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