15. September 2017 · Comments Off on Thoughts on Passion from Michael Gerber · Categories: Uncategorized

Enjoyed this quote on Passion from Michael Gerber’s E Myth Mastery:

“Passion is the fuel that drives an enterprise forward. The passion to invent. The passion to create value. The passion to build something that has a life of its own. The passion to lead, to inspire, to put the pieces of your world together in such a way as to blow people’s minds, not the least of all your own. And most of all, the passion to do something remarkable with your life. It is the connection with this passion that enables a small business owner to move through all of the inevitable external obstacles that get in the way, that, of course, each come with their own set of internal obstacles to be overcome. It is the relationship with this passion that can transform a reluctant entrepreneur into an electrified entrepreneur.”