04. January 2012 · Comments Off on Hello World! and If they can do it, I can do it · Categories: Uncategorized

Hello There! Please see my welcome video message below. Just click the play button to start.

I just realized that there are many people out there who have created blogs. However, I was initially concerned that I would not have the technical ability to get a simple blog going. What has in part been a bit of an inspiration to me are those groups of people that I would not normally consider the traditional tech savvy types who have ventured off into the blogging world. I would stereotypically have thought that those in religious life would not have gotten into web 2.0 technology, but I was completely wrong.

For example take the website that the Jesuits have. The URL is http://www.jesuit.org/blog/

This is a website that is rich in its collection of text, video, twitter, and blogs. The website is a great example of the use of web 2.0 technologies.

So if the Jesuits can do utilize web 2.0 technologies, then with some effort and know-how I can also use them.

All of us can learn if we want to.





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